Wednesday, 26 January 2011

I aint got time to wonder why

Okay Here's another song. I'm sorry that I am posting two massages about a song, but I don't know how to put two songs in one message ^^ This song is so great and all those people, I have to say I love it. We watched it at history class and I immediately thought I have to put this one on my blog

Love annedreke

I would like to know you

Normally I'm not a huge fan of female singers, but I like her! She has a cool style and I think this is where music is all about, make some fun! You can see she has a passion for music, so I will forgive her if the singing isn't always that great. haha.

love annedreke

Monday, 17 January 2011

happily hippie

I love these pictures!
Hippies are my biggest inspiration & I just love them.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

It's Gold!

Okay! This is a song that my friend: Annefoek first letted me hear. And I'm so in love with it that I had to put them on my blog x)

One day I'II fly away

This Year I'm going to Rome! I'm looking forward to it and i have a list of to do things in Rome:

Get a seranade at a bolcon of a cute italian boy!

Spend some quality time with my friends

walking through cute alleys

Taking Beautifull pictures!

Seeing historical monuments

Walking around in cute summer dresses

eating ice-creams!
(and pizza's at a terrace!)
Love Anne Dreke

Dress to impress!

Hello people!
I'm so sorry that it has been so long since i writed. But a week ago we had our school gala. It was a lot of fun, but those shoes are very hurtfull at the and of the evening so we putted on our flat shoes! haha!

Look at our shoes!

This is a very weird photo but we had a lot of fun!

The girls!

All people of V5

My best friends!


Ruben is very populair among marchelle and me ;p

Annefoek, Esmee and Gerike!

Annelot, Esmee and Gerike!

Lovely photo exept my head!

Lots of love annedreke

Monday, 3 January 2011


Pictures of Rhenen hometown of my grandparents

This is a picture of low quality but that's because my brother made it ;p

Photoshoot with my brother

as a homeless person
as a rich man

as a hippie

as a painter

The trip
My father was driving us
My brother laughing
The view

In Zwolle my hometown

Last holiday I've been to my grandparents in Rhenen, thats 1 hour from where i live. I stayed there for one night. We had lots of fun especially during the photoshoot with my little brother (:
Here are some pictures of the trip by car, the photoshoot and from the city Rhenen.
love annedreke

keep the good memories and make a brand new start

Happy 2011 everyone!
wow 2010 is already over. I have to say that it makes me a bit sad, because i had a great year! I've done so many great things with family and friends. But maybe this year will be as great as last year. To show you why I'll show you some pictures!
love annedreke
I'm gonna buy so much clothes that my wardrobe is gonna explode!
My hair is gonna be so much longer

I'm gonna play the bluesharp

But I'm also gonna do my homework so i will pass my exam

I decided i'm gonna have a boyfriend this year (:
But not only me... my friends also!

And last but not least I'm going on holiday with my friends, and we're gonna laugh so our bellies will hurt x)